Saturday, July 7, 2007

Week 5 #2: Response!

Week 5!
Phew.. the topic was hard to write and even harder to response, a reason being is how should I response to people's relationship with God? But as I read the entries by the participants, there are things that I could relate to.

When I read Achillia's entry, there are phrases that caught my attention immediately.

"countless ups and downs"
I experience the ups and downs every a few months. In the past, I got discouraged easily when I had the 'downs' and thus I became distant from God. As I discovered more about God, I've learnt that God will allow the devil to tempt us and we must be able to depend on Him and ask Him to give us the graces, the strengths that we need to overcome the temptation. Well, it's either you make it or you break it.

We also need to remember when we have the 'ups' because these moments remind us what God has done in our life, hence we could regain our faith during the bad time. From here, we will know that God never leaves us. God never failed to save me when I was in the darkness.

"On the way to...a short conversation"
I know that I'm not the only one and now I have a proof. Yippie! =) I often talk to God also when I'm on the bus to school. Usually it starts like this "God, I have a plan to do ... today, do You think it's good? If no then please reveal to me Your plan" or just telling Him whatever I have in mind, since He knows everything. No point lying to God, right? =p

Recently, I learnt how to use a song to communicate with Him, it's even interesting, because I like to sing (but I don't have a good voice to be in choir =p) and the lyrics are beautiful. For example: "Angels among us" by Alabama. The chorus goes like this

Oh.. I believe there are angels among us,
sent down to us from somewhere up above.
They come to you and me in our darkest hours
to show us how to live, to teach us how to give
To guide us with the light of love.

Isn't it beautiful? I love to sing it when I feel down, then I'll start thinking of my guardian angels and all the 'angels' that I have encountered in my life. Sometimes, a sincere smile could bring happiness to others; it is the simplest act that 'angels' could do. Don't you want to be angels for others too?

"enjoy the beautiful moments"
Life in Singapore is very fast, sometimes I don't even know why I do things so quickly. When I was in sec 3, I was famous for eating my lunch in 3,5 minutes (my friend actually used stopwatch to measure it! -.-"). Because of the fast pace, we often forget to realise the beautiful things that God has given us. When we are too busy with life, let us remind ourselves to stop and smell the flower.

"I would just recite the official Our Father quickly"
There are times when we couldn't pray and just recite the common Catholic prayer; Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory Be. It's not wrong, especially when we encounter spiritual dryness and to pray is the most difficult thing to do. Well, don't forget to be on our knees and ask Him to help us to pray, to experince Him and His great love. Sounds weird, but it works.

(All photos are from personal collection)

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