Saturday, July 7, 2007

~The End~ (?)

I just finished posting my last entry to the BlogFest. Time flies! It has been a wonderful and frustrating 5 weeks. There were times I was so stressed up (Week 3!), but most of the time it's been great. I would like to quote Karl Keating, the founder of Catholic Answer, "To the extent any good comes from it, the credit is God's. To the extent any harm comes, the blame is [mine]. [I] hope there will be much good and little harm."

I wanna thank everyone, especially the people in-charge and fellow participants. I definitely enjoyed myself participating in this BlogFest. I learnt alot, especially about Catholicism and the art of blogging.

I may continue blogging here in the future as writing has been my passion since I was young. It's just, my handwriting isn't good so I didn't write a lot (because no one will read it!). However, technology changed everything. With Computer, Internet, and Weblog, I can share my thoughts easily with others. Thank you all! =)

God loves you,

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