Thursday, July 5, 2007

Week 5 #1: My Relationship with God

I really had no idea what I should write this week. I could say it's the most difficult among the five! I thought about it from Monday to Thursday and still nothing. Yesterday, I was able to do self reflection about my relationship with Him and I was quite surprised to know that my relationship is better than I thought.

A few days ago, I talked to my friend that my relationship with God was like a rollercoaster. Up and down always, but I was wrong. My relationship with Him now is quite steady, BUT sometimes my emotion is like a rollercoaster, especially with the people around me. The reason is simply because I know that God won't let bad things happen to me, but people are imperfect and they could easily be deceived and tempted by satan, just like Eve in the book of Genesis, to harm to others.

Jesus commanded us to love God "with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind..." (Luke 10:27). Honestly, this is not difficult if you know God. However, Jesus commanded us to love our neighbour (Matthew 22:39) and also our enemy (Matthew 5:44), why? Probably because they are the same people! =p It won't make sense if I say that I love God and yet I don't love my enemies/friends.

I think my personal prayer life is not so bad. I TRY to do Liturgy of the Hours (LoTH) daily, sometimes I attend mass in parishes where the LoTH is done together to keep me motivated, such as in the Church of Holy Cross where it is done before morning and evening mass and in Immaculate Heart of Mary Church where the youths gather to pray the evening prayer (Vesper) after the evening Mass with a priest. Well, maybe we can have it in the Church of Risen Christ in the future.

Liturgy of The Hours is the prayer of the Church. The early Christians did it daily because Mass was celebrated only once a week. However, when Latin language was introduced, many people couldn't do it anymore, because Latin was the language for the rich people. Thus, people started to pray Rosary instead. Since Vatican II, the Church has been trying to get the laity to pray LoTH. It is not a devotional prayer (like Divine Mercy/Rosary), but it's the prayer of the Church and by right, every Catholics should pray it, just like Muslims pray 5 times a day.
I also try to pray Rosary and Divine Mercy chaplet daily although I often fail terribly when I’m lazy or deceived by the media (Internet!). Actually, I was inspired to do this by a priest who prays this every morning. He described it as if these were his breakfast. Therefore, I believe it would be good if I could do the same.

I try to have personal time in the presence of the Blessed Sacrament at least once a week, it is to keep me aware of the presence of God in my life; to talk to God personally about everything that's been going around in my life. In addition, I also try to attend daily Mass, so that I can listen to the Word of God and receive Jesus in the Sacrament of Eucharist. If I can't attend mass, I try to read the readings for the day (Subscribe to God is my oxygen, it's good!).

Another important aspect is Sacrament of Reconciliation. When I started to do it regularly, I thought receiving forgiveness from God, but as I read more and understand the meaning of it. This sacrament is to receive God's grace to overcome my weaknesses and to be aware of my sinfulness and unworthiness. I realised during the time when I was a lapsed Catholic, I didn't go confession for years, I wasn't aware of my sinfulness simply because it became a habit, such as the eight commandment; You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour, in short, gossiping. How many of us guilty of it? =p

In order to have a good relationship with God, I need to obey His commandments and to do things that will please Him. I used to have double life (just like a superhero!), let's called it the good and the bad. In Church, I could be an angel to everyone, but outside, I could be mean and inconsiderate person. I realised that God won't be pleased, so I TRY to be the good person all the time now. Well, I still fail every now and then.

I'm still striving for holiness, it's along way to go. Two years from now, I want to be a better person in every aspect. It will be tough, but not impossible. =)
This entry isn't to boast how holy I am, because I'm still a sinner and often fail in the journey, but I don't give up because I know that God loves me so much that He wants me to TRY my best to be closer to Him. Honestly, when I started to have personal relationship with God, I only pray 1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary and 1 Glory be in the evening, I couldn't even pray spontaneously (Now you know how terrible I was). I feel blessed and thankful that He led me to where I am now. If I can, why you can't?

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