Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Week 4 #1b: My Favourite Bible Passage

As mentioned in the previous entry, my favourite Bible passage is the Annunciation (Luke 1:26-38).

This passage is about Mary's vocation to be the Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ.

She was about 15 years old when the Angel Gabriel came to her. As a young girl, I believe Mary had a dream (as many other girls do!). Since she was betrothed Joseph, it was likely that her dream was to have family with Joseph. You know, get married, have children, be a good wife and mother, grow old and die peacefully. Just the typical life cycle of human being.

However, God had other plan for her. An extremely special plan that He sent His Angel Gabriel to deliver the message personally, can you imagine that? It was the Angel Gabriel, not just any other angel, that was sent to tell Mary the news.

Last week, I was contemplating this passage when it struck me that Mary was probably confused and sad when she heard the message. When I was 15, I remember I had a big dream of becoming a successful actor, earns lots of money and lives in a luxurious condominium. If an angel were to appear and tell me that God has other plan for me, I would be freak out; I might reject His plan!

After she listened to the news, there was a doubt whether it was real from God. So she asked "I am a virgin. How, then, can this be?"
This is so understandable. After all, it was miraculous event. She might not know it whether it was truly from God. Ladies, try to imagine if an angel comes to you and say that you would become pregnant and give birth to the son of God. Will you believe it?

However, God prepared everything perfectly. He knows that Mary would ask for proof, so He gave an evident of His great power. It was Elizabeth's pregnancy. Mary knew that her cousin was barren, so only by God's power that she could get pregnant in her old age. It showed that there is nothing that God cannot do. Having heard this, Mary submitted herself fully to God, without even thinking of her own plan (Not even asking Joseph!).

Mary is a model for us when we answer God's calling in our life;
1. She was troubled by the message; the Angel Gabriel explained it clearly
2. She had doubt; The Angel replied by telling about Elizabeth's pregnancy
3. She accepted it; be submissive to God's will for her
4. She confirmed it; by visiting Elizabeth (she stayed 90 miles away from Mary). Have you ever thought that the visitation was to confirm the Angel Gabriel's message that her cousin was pregnant?

I learnt that I have to be ready whenever God calls me, whether to priesthood/religious life, married life or single life. I believe each vocation is unique thus none is superior than the others. A priest told me that if I don't accept the vocation that God gives me, there'll be something missing in my life. So I've been discerning where God is leading me and praying that I have a heart like Mary that I'll be able to accept my vocation with all my heart.
(Pictures are courtesy of Catholic Source)

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