Saturday, June 9, 2007

Week 1 #2: Response!

I agree to certain extent with Eric that the Legion of Mary (LoM) is a Church group that is in the 'mature' stage. Well, The Legion of Mary is almost 86 years old!

I can truly understand if youths could be bored easily with the LoM meeting because it's been like this since more than 85 years ago. If you attend any of the LoM meeting today, it is identical to the meeting that Frank Duff (the founder) and friends had on 7 September 1921. It was only 3 years after the Great War (World War I). So the situation was very different from today.

Napoleon said "there are no bad soldiers, only bad officers." It's unfortunate that there are bad officers in some of the LoM praesidiums, who probably don't really know how to communicate and do their duties well. Thus, the praesidium could be poorly orientated. Once, I was in a Church ministry that I didn't enjoy at all, because of the people in-charge. I was very frustrated and it deteriorated my spirituality. Something is definitely wrong if we don't enjoy being in a Church group, because it's supposed to be fun and enjoyable! =D How could we grow spiritually if we don't even enjoy being there? One may want to find out where is the root of the problem; is it the people? or it just doesn't suit me?

"...if Church groups want to reach out to specific age groups, they might have to take in mind the maturity of its participants, and their spiritual level."
I disagree with Eric's statement. Being young doesn't always mean immature and old isn't a guarantee that the person is mature. No doubt, a person can grow wiser as he experiences life, but it doesn't always happen. I've met a young boy who is very wise and has a deep understanding of Catholic Faith. He's way too mature for a person of his age, of course it's a rare case. Well, my point is that LoM is definitely for the youths also because it could help them grow in holiness.

Catholic Church is perfect, but the people in it are sinners, so we always need to strive for holiness. If our motive in joining a Church group is sincere and good, God will definitely give all the things that we need and help us to persevere.

Lord God,
in your wisdom you created us,
by your providence you rule us:
penetrate our inmost being with your holy light,
so that our way of life may always be one of faithful service to you.
We make our prayer through our Lord, Jesus Christ, your son,
who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.

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